Research Category: UCC

Dr. Vishal Jagtap

Biography: Vishal S. Jagtap received the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree in Engineering Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, the M.Sc. degree in

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Dr. Daniel O’ Hare

Danny is a Principal Investigator in the Microelectronics Circuits research group at Tyndall .His research is in low-noise sensor interface circuits and integrated circuits to

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Dr. Gerardo Salgado

Current Research: He is developing novel high resolution Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) architectures using digital signal processing techniques to compensate for analog circuit imperfections. He is

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Mr. Seamus O’Driscoll

Current Research Focus: Leading teams across two main research strands, in Tyndall and in MCCI – in Integrated Power Systems and in Ultra-Low Power PMIC

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Dr. John Buckley

John received the BEng degree in Electronic Engineering form Cork Institute of Technology in 1994 and the MEngSc and PhD Degrees in Electrical Engineering in

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Prof. Pádraig Cantillon-Murphy

Has developed the first opensource electromagnetic tracking platform which can track medical instruments with sub-millimeter accuracy which we have chosen to make available free to

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Dimitra Psychogiou

Prof. Dimitra Psychogiou

Dimitra Psychogiou received the Dipl.-Eng. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in

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